Hey Gang:
I'm sorry that I have been "away" so much, but the bee world has just had me hoppin. Because of all the inspecting I did, I got behind in my own stuff.
Example: My yard in Pereau = 9 hives. I knew I was about 4 or 5 days later than I should have been and knew it might be ugly. I was figuring having lost 3 or 4 swarms out of the 9.
How does 6 out of nine sound? 4 or 5 days earlier and I catch those queens and make up 6 nucs to sell.
This has also been a year for secondary swarms like I've never seen before. What's with those ladies, not sticking around and duking it out, but bailing with a bunch of bees?
Nuc sales are finally winding down, just trying to finish off the last of the list. I've learned a lot this year about selling nucs.
big flow has started, not moving my hives this year is paying off. 50 hives, sold at
least 50 nucs, and starting to put my third honey super on the strong ones (even after losing all the swarms).
I know this all sounds like excuses, but I hope you'll understand. I see I've missed new members, birthdays, etc. and I feel bad about it. Hopefully things even out for me in a bit and I can catch my breath and bug you all here again.