Hey LazyBkpr, sorry I didn't respond quicker.
Given that I didn't move any hives into pollination this year, I guess all my hives are production hives. I went after nuc sales this year, and after pulling those, everything was set up for honey.
I came through winter with 48 colonies out of 51. I've sold 60 nucs, and now have my hive count to somewhere around 65-68, and still have 5 nucs and a trap-out going.
Once the nucs were pulled I just started supering. Now everything was not even across the board. Some hives I pulled 3 nucs off, and others none. Same as honey, I have had some hives with their 4th super on, and others with 2, with the second hardly being touched yet. Learning how to equalize is something I will have to fine tune.
As far as overwintering nucs, the ones I did last fall were a last minute thing, done more out of not knowing what else to do with them. They were overwintered as 5 frame nucs in D.Coates boxes, with most only having 3 or 4 frames of bees. 4 of the 6 made it to March, the early dead ones only had a smaller numbers of bees to start out so no surprise. I put a shim and fondant on them and they ate it all up twice. I lost the best one by getting to it late and it had started building and before I noticed it starved. I would say in all honesty that the over all results were less than successful. I would really like to try a 5 over 5 setup and I have 4 nucs right now that are busting out and will get their second box instead of being moved to singles. This would be a much more honest try at overwintering.