Yep! It helps take down the itch and the little pesky bumps. After applying the prop to her hands they will feel a bit tacky because prop is very sticky stuff, but not sticky like glue, I'm able to do whatever I want to do thru the day with it on my hands, unlike if it was oil based ~
As well, if she wants to give prop tinc a try, it would be a good idea to put 1 or 2 drops in her morning drink. Getting the prop inside and outside in a nice medicine
Baker, I have some to share with you if you want to get her started on it. Or, you can make the recipe on Products Of The Hive, but it will take 2-3 weeks for it to be ready to use ~
If you want to make some on your own, be sure to crack the frozen prop down to cracked pepper size, it will steep and dissolve much sooner