The spring honey is for you, the bees will gather more through summer and fall.. If there is a dearth they get fed a little to insure they are full.. I use that feeding to get the Fumagillin B into the cells.
I agree that honey IS the best feed for the bees, but I also want to get some Meds into the hives, if I leave all the honey on, I cant get enough of it to them in time to be capped.. Unless of course I want to feed all summer.. I prefer they feed themselves..
IF... in the fall they are chock full of stores for winter I will even steal a bit of that so I can get at least two empty combs for them to fill with medicated syrup.. I have lost two hives in the spring to Nosema Apis, I do not intend to lose any more.
If someone else chooses to lose their bees AFTER they survived a long hard winter I/we can do little about it.
Your point is well received as well. There are reasons we all keep bees. To each of us those reasons may vary, and because of that, we will each manage our bees in a different manner.. For me, or anyone to judge your method as wrong because it does not match my/our own is actually the part that is wrong.