Author Topic: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?  (Read 8117 times)

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Offline lazy shooter

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2014, 06:59:55 pm »
I think the law in Texas allows you to carry a firearm in your vehicle, and if you want you can carry it on private property if it's not one of those exempt places like a bar, liquor store, or school to name a few.  We all keep a pistol in out truck in Brown and Comanche County. 

Remember that sexual harassment does not have a statute of limitations, so you can file on this "butt patter" at any time in the future. 


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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2014, 07:41:00 pm »
I ought to file on him, but truthfully he is not worth the trouble. I just want my equipment off and since he is getting braver I'm not going back alone.  I would rather NOT get paid than give him an invoice with my address on it though. I have almost ignored, just kind of moved faster and wore baggy bee suit the last 2 times over there (been there 3 times, lol).  I run a business. The kind of publicity I do NOT need is that I file sexual harassment cases on innocent married old guys whose wive's won't stick their nose out of the house. (I did meet her once - I begged a glass of water to visit her)

Anyway, on the buying queens first, my hive 1, the hive I cut out of the valve box was totally queenless and had been putting in stores, 3 frames empty, a couple of frames with room for a queen to lay, out of 2 boxes.  I had added frame after frame from my big hive to get them going after the cutout, a couple of small queen cells that had never been filled and not one egg or brood... So while I did squish a bee who looked remotely like a virgin queen, I felt pretty safe just giving them one of my freshly purchased queens. smeared a little wax and propolis on the outside of her cage, I think they will accept her ok.

Offline Jen

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2014, 09:15:28 pm »
Gypsi- "I just want my equipment off and since he is getting braver I'm not going back alone.  I would rather NOT get paid than give him an invoice with my address on it though.


Gypsi- "I run a business. The kind of publicity I do NOT need is that I file sexual harassment cases on innocent married old guys whose wive's won't stick their nose out of the house.

      Okay, I'll except that, as a female. Often times you have to weigh the odds. Good Goin' Girl!
There Is Peace In The Queendom

Offline barry42001

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2014, 10:14:10 pm »
Unless you file, he will feel ( excuse the pun ), free to behave poorly again, and maybe worse. Only by putting paper on him can a record of prior conduct be established for future prosecution.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 10:16:27 pm by barry42001 »
"if a man is alone in the woods, and speaks and no woman is there to hear him. is he still wrong?


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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2014, 11:15:09 pm »
I will consider it Barry.  And to be honest I'd have been scared to go over there after dark tonight alone.

. But no witnesses, it is his word against mine, he tried once tonight when I showed up with my young beek helper, but without a witness I just don't think it is worth the trouble.  I am in Texas. It is not a nice state.

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2014, 11:26:43 pm »
Glad you're out of there Gypsi! Don't ever go back.
There Is Peace In The Queendom

Offline barry42001

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2014, 11:33:03 pm »
Then your young beek seen nothing?  I would, because of the reasons stated. Texas or not if the DA starts getting paper, they have to pay attention, of lose next election cycle.
"if a man is alone in the woods, and speaks and no woman is there to hear him. is he still wrong?


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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2014, 12:01:56 am »
helper was on the passenger side of the truck, suiting up, I was on drivers side getting stuff out, and it was dark.  no witness.  Maybe I am cynical and depressed but it seems to me that the only time law enforcement and DA's do anything in Texas is when there are 30 witnesses, and this guy is retired and barely leaves his house as far as I know, so I don't think he represents a significant risk of injury to anyone.

That being said, I don't intend to go back and will have my neighbors keep an eye on my place for awhile.

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2014, 12:30:43 am »
Hugs Gypsi
There Is Peace In The Queendom

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #29 on: September 20, 2014, 09:28:24 am »
Being a large, and somewhat embossing man, I have no idea what it is like to fear being sexually abused.  That being said, I think fear is the worst thing that we face in this life time.  To me, it eclipses pain and grief.  Also, there seem to be quite a few "dirty old men" that just want to "cop" a feel as my wife says.  Your "patter" is probably harmless, but he should keep his hands to himself.  Being a witty and charming fellow with exceeding good looks, :):):) I pride myself on never forcing a woman on these issues.  Seriously, I can't imagine a man just coming out of the blue with a pat or other feel. 

Gypsi is telling you what we all think.  Stay away from this guy now and forever.  The long odds are he will never contact you again.  I hope that is the case.

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #30 on: September 20, 2014, 12:25:47 pm »
Words of wisdom spoken from an witty, charming, exceedingly good looking man! Words to live by for both genders.

Now where is that avatar lazy.. hmmmm?  ;) :)
There Is Peace In The Queendom


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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #31 on: September 20, 2014, 12:45:15 pm »
If he does contact me again I will be recording a most interesting telephone conversation, one that asks whether if I send a male beekeeper to check out the tree whether he will pat the guy on the butt.

I had equipment and very vulnerable bees on his premises, and he has a gate and dogs that bite so I bit my tongue and kept my mouth shut.  I am not actually afraid of him, but would not risk losing bees and stuff after I had time invested in them, by saying anything.  Now the proverbial shoe is on the other foot and while I will not call him and start a fuss, if he calls me, I am free to speak my mind. I need to find out how to record a call on a Blackberry Curve though

Offline barry42001

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #32 on: September 20, 2014, 02:38:53 pm »
Solutions for every
Seriously though, if after your stuff was all loaded up, had you kneed him in the groin, chuckling as you drove away, a bit of satisfaction derived
"if a man is alone in the woods, and speaks and no woman is there to hear him. is he still wrong?

Offline Jen

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #33 on: September 20, 2014, 02:48:42 pm »
Sorry Barry, Even tho I am not in Gypsi's shoes, if it were me, a pat on the butt isn't equal to a knee in the groin, especially if he's elderly.
There Is Peace In The Queendom

Offline barry42001

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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #34 on: September 20, 2014, 02:57:53 pm »
Age isn't a excuse for lousy behavior, and providing one for him won't prevent it again. People learn much like animals, do what you like until such time as the joy of doing it is exceeded by the consequences of their act. No learning will take place until I would not have shot him, thought might have crossed my mind, but restraint would've won.
"if a man is alone in the woods, and speaks and no woman is there to hear him. is he still wrong?


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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2014, 04:25:54 pm »
It becomes how important is it.  I am too good a shot to miss, and if you shoot them in the knee they sue you, lol

In the meantime, both queens lived through installation.  Hive 1 had gone quietly queenless, it was the cutout hive from the water valve box about a month ago, full of honey, still had a good bee count but not one egg nor larva in 2 boxes and no sign of a queen. Reaction neutral to positive to the new queen, so I'm fairly sure I'm right. 

I peeked in hive 2, saw larva in the top box last night, it really probably should go down to one box on the too much real estate rule, couldn't go through the bottom, dusk was approaching.  This is the box I will probably swipe a couple of frames from for the trap out bees I gave Ledifini, to try to get that nuc up to 4 frames while he builds his 8 frame.

Hive 3 was 2 deeps and a medium this morning.  The medium only had a couple of frames of comb in it, and one partial, well there were 3 frames til I grabbed a frame of drone brood, checked for mites in a couple of cells, found one, and decided it was freezer bound.  the rest were empty foundationless frames and a couple of plasticell.

I set the medium aside on my little table hive stand, put its feeder lid on and went into the top deep.  Eggs, honeycomb, bees, about 3 empty frames. didn't see the queen, set it aside on top of the sbb I intended to use for my split and put a telescoping cover on it.

The deep bottom box I went through twice. 3 empty plasticell frames, 7 frames of brood and food, brood all capped and due to hatch out. No queen.  They started getting irritated when I dropped a frame, but a little smoke and sweet talking and that was all ok.  NO queen.  This is my best VSH queen, golden, blonde legs, just absolutely drop dead gorgeous.  Well I have decided the 2.5 full frames from the medium are going in the bottom deep after I chased down and killed about 6 small hive beetles.  so I am pulling frames out of the medium, brushing them over the bottom deep, when I get to the 2nd honey frame who do I see but my beautiful golden queen.  By this time the bottom deep is getting full, I don't want to roll her getting the frame in, and the bees that have been pretty calm all this time suddenly hit panic mode.  I managed to get her frame in, got a glove buzzing where a few ladies crawled in to see if they can find skin, and have ONE frame left to go, a foundationless with some brood comb her ladyship could really use to lay in.. Had to run for the shed, close door, shake out bees, go back, pick up the frame she was on, queen is not there.  checked face of the next frame and hastily put it all back together, empty medium with all empty frames on top. There were at least 4 queen cells in the hive, not laid in or capped, and the frame of drone brood, so hopefully I have averted the swarm, and can now feed them and they will put on winter stores. They have plenty of pollen stores, I got about half their honey stores when I swiped the top deep,

And now hive 4, top deep from hive 3, has about 7 frames, some brood, some eggs, some honey, 3 empty frames, and when I pulled the queen out of my pocket they immediately tried to attack the box.  This queen came at 11 THursday morning, she needs a hive, so I smeared the box with wax and propolis and when they still looked hostile I stuck my hive tool in some of their honey and kind of smeared that on, and stuck her to a frame with the gooey stuff. They were so busy cleaning up spilled honey they aren't noticing the queen. Hopefully all will smell right soon enough..

Now I have to go swap some fish and look at a couple of ponds...


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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2014, 05:34:09 pm »
Nice essay Gypsi  ;D  I was gonna say A.say patpatpat (snorking) but I know it would get changed to a more decent word

I have two golden queens too, mine are all caramel colored, even their eyes. I love looking at them ~~
There Is Peace In The Queendom


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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2014, 05:45:24 pm »
Once I got a look at mine today after that box was open for over an hour in cloudy weather, THEN all her daughters went nuts...

She is the one I photographed a few weeks ago, just stunning.  Flyman has some good queens. Not many each year but very very nice.


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Re: Fall queen sale - should I buy one or 2?
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2014, 11:33:05 pm »
The queenless hive cut the queen loose, and apparently she took off. There was a clump of bees under the sbb for the last 2 days, I snuck home at lunch time and opened it. No eggs, no brood, and no queen in the clump