So my trapout is going well, I think, after a couple of false starts, thanks IDDEE for the links. I'm probably going to do a newspaper combine with my weaker hive this weekend, weather permitting. (Garden zone 6b, we've had one unusually early frost, but giving warm weather for the next week or two at least.)
That will make about 10 days since I know they finally accepted the nuc, BUT 3 weeks since I started the trapout.
So, my question is, do I have to worry about the queen cells the "new" hive is working on? Any tips/tricks/hints are welcome, because like the trapout, this is new to me.
Btw, the pics are before and after stacking a second nuc box, because it looked like the bees were running out of room. I'm working on a ladder about 25 feet up in the air, so this seemed the easiest solution, rather than transferring the frames to a regular deep.