The divert sugar doesnt have the anti clumping stuff, makes for better blocks and less mess than normal granulated sugar.. As Iddee said, there IS condensation in the hive, the trick is to make sure there isnt too much.. I imagine if there is NONE that the bees wont make use of sugar at all.. I KNOW what I do is controversial and others have had problems.. but I have to wonder how many of those problems are climate and method related?? In all the years I have been assisting I have not SEEN the problems I have seen others having.. that does NOT mean I wont... As It was taught to me.. the sugar going on at the outset of cold weather wont be touched, or fussed with because the bees are in cluster closer to the bottom of the hive, and will begin to work their way to the top.. Depending on the winter and amount of stores they use.. They MAY reach the Sugar, and begin using it.. if they DONT reach the top, then they will likely not have touched the sugar..
It needs to come out before they become so active they start cutting up the paper to get it out of their way, so you cant just leave it on there.. Once they start flying Well I have the open feeders set up, the sugar comes off and becomes syrup.. so nothing is wasted...
Right, or wrong.. thats what I was taught, and it is working... so far.. (knocks on wood)