Author Topic: Wax moth and hive beetles  (Read 3988 times)

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Wax moth and hive beetles
« on: April 09, 2014, 11:08:32 pm »

   So,, with all this stuff I recently bought..   I have been going through it, beginning to clean it up, and there has been a LOT of burning involved.
   I have found better than twenty live adult wax moths..   I knew already they were NASTY in this area, but this is ridiculous! there are about 60 boxes that the comb is totally destroyed, obliterated beyond redemption...
    To make that one step worse...  I have found about a dozen hive beetle carcasses as I cleaned...  I have found none alive, but thinking after this purchase I have decided to share my home with them...
   The only up side is that for what we paid I can sell the extras and make more than my money back.. I won't be sure if it was worth it or not until I see what the results are by this fall.....
     Warning new beeks NOT to buy used equipment is a very vaild warning, for more than just AFB.
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