That was one of the nicer 4 frame extractors built. It has the basket cage expanded metal so it supports the comb better with less chance of the comb blowing out. Even if the frames are poorly wired or not wired at all.
it has flip baskets so the frames do not need to be lifted out to extract the second side and flipped to the first side to extract the remaining honey. They are a quick extractor for cleaning the honey out of the frame.
Extracting with one of these extractors would go ,once you had the first 4 frames in it turn it on and uncap the next frame. Hang the frame on rack turn off the extractor let ot stop swing the baskets 90 deg, start the extractor again and spin the 2nd side clean. the lenth of time it takes to extract 2 more frames and hang them in the rack. Turn the extractor back off, flip the frames back to the first side turn it on and uncap the last frame for the next 4 frame load.
The only thing I would question is whether the brake disk has asbestos in it as most break disk materials have. I just would not use the break.