curtchan, a little late to your question........this is how i do it when i add supers..........with drawn comb, a queen excluder always goes on. many do not use queen excluders, but the drawbacks are the queen laying up in them.......even when you think you have a honey barrier the first super up and one hits a dearth, the honey is utilized and the queen finds her way up there. many times i place frames in for comb honey.......i do not want the queen up there. if a dearth hits and the bees need the honey with the excluder on, i don't worry about when the queen gets busy laying again.
i also will sometimes flop supers and frames around.
apis said bees will refuse to go above and fill the empty combs.
in my own experience i use a rather wide top entrance and pile on the supers as needed, and sometimes use queen excluders with a notch cut out on them to allow bees access. i only harvest once a year (in early september); i have yet to find the bees ignoring the fresh super placed on top, and at times had numerous supers on (over 4), and i top super.
not saying apis is incorrect, all situations are different, so take into consideration your situation, the behavior of your bees, your flow, and your weather and your management practices. most of all your bees.........