bakers, like perry said, up to you! and unless someone else beats ya' to it!........
how to do of us in admin/mods was supposed to start a thread on 'how to'..........

anyway, it's easy. here is robo's original karma, really, just copy and paste the post into the body of your post, or use dunkels as a guide also.
First Karma Offered By Robothe next karma would be #5, or if you or anyone would like just entitle your thread KARMA and the item like robo did, or the number 5.
also, we should stick with the eligibility requirement of 20 posts to the forum prior to the karma offering, so for example, if one started a karma today, use today's date as 20 posts prior to today's date~ie 20 posts before august 19, 2015.
also, you can decide how long you want the karma to run.
to choose a winner, go to
Random.orgon the home page of, in the top right hand corner is a 'True Random Number Generator'. just change the second value (Max) to the number of replies to the karma~ so if one had 15 replies, the MIN box would have '2' (don't include your first post) and the MAX box would have '15'. once the values are entered, just hit the button 'generate', and it will give you a random number between one and fifteen, use that number to match to the reply, so if the number is 7, choose reply #7. also, just take a screen shot of the result, and upload it to your announcement of the winner.
hope this helps? and if anyone has questions please let one of us know!