Thanks for the video. I may try that next year.
If you would like a laugh turn on the closed caption- It can't handle Beek-speak
Found this: It's a study out of India evaluation of oxalic acid and formic
acid against Varroa destructor Anderson and
Trueman in Apis mellifera L. colonies
Excerpt: "Earlier studies indicated that treatment with formic acid can
increase queen mortality, damage to hatching bees [27] and have
detrimental effect on brood production, but this is likely to be due
to a direct effect of the acid on brood survival and can affect the
physiology of the immature and young workers [28]. However, in
the present study of three weeks, no adverse effect on colony
strength (bees, brood) and colony stores (pollen, honey) was
observed. On the contrary, the brood area showed a significant
increase in formic acid treated A. mellifera colonies as compared to
untreated colonies. The results are in conformity with some studies
which showed that long term formic acid treatment did not damage
brood and young bees and did not limit colony development
(Underwood and Currie, 2005). It has been speculated that
combination of high temperatures and high concentrations of
formic acid may contribute to queen loss [29]: