All of the above
I live in a tight neighborhood with kids running around, and senior citizens in their backyards, so I can't leave the swarm hive there. I catch my swarms in my back alley up on a 10 foot bank. When I catch a swarm I wait until dusk when most of the bees are inside, then move it into my back yard right along side my other hives. Before it gets too dark, I put a queen excluder between the bottom board and the hive box, for about 4 days. That way the queen has to stay put.
Have never closed up a hive for 3 days, that would prevent them from foraging, getting oriented and pooping. I like what CBT says about a frame of eggs and capped brood. However, if you don't have a frame of eggs/brood to put in the swarm hive, that's where the queen excluder comes in handy.