Last year was our first year and we received two packages of bees. My first suggestion is if you are getting packaged bees put some sugar syrup in a spray bottle and mist them a bit with the sugar syrup. As you are pulling the queen out, this will keep them occupied and give them hydration and food. Don't smoke them. 2. Don't panic and freak out as you start emptying the package bees into the hive. It is very intimidating and scary to have them buzzing all around you and all that buzzing noise. Just make sure you are fully suited up. If you don't have a full bee suit, make sure you have on heavier jeans. My first sting was received on the first day, through a pair of lightweight jeans. Also wear boots and tape them up at the top. A sting to the Achilles hurts like the devil! As you get more comfortable in the process and take a few stings, you will start to shed gear but in the beginning don't attempt to be fearless. 3. If you haven't already, find a bee group and a mentor.....they are lifesavers. You may think you have read everything you can get your hands on, watched every video on youtube but having other beeks to hash things out with is invaluable. You already found this site and everyone here has the patience of saints. They will answer all the questions (even though they probably have been asked a hundred times already). Lastly, keep a record book and make sure you note your observations when you open the hive. It will become an invaluable tool.
I wish you all the best, you will be hooked once you start being a caretaker for these fascinating creatures.