i tell ya zweef, i am so done with the mice, the last couple years, no matter what we do, the mice just drive us............
yep, had them in the mower, and whatever crevice of equipment they want to nest in. drives me.....
again this year, the mice got into the clutch housing, and i don't know where else. we run this thing all through winter. i fired the 4 wheel horse up well over 2 months ago......you know the sound, hard to start, shouldn't have been, grinding, clunk, clunk, i didn't hear the squealing, someone else did......... EXPLETIVES.............oh wait, no it was, oh darn, shucks...........

redwing motorsports told me (and some of my neighbors) mice problems were nuts this year? why? a little warmer winter? one of my neighbors took out his antique corvette for a spin, tooling down the the highway, turned on the defrost and three mice came out of the dash?!...........well that's better than hauling bees in a stinky buick............

we use bait year round, an antifreeze bucket going into winter, AND moth balls placed all over it. we house the 4 wheeler in a small concrete based garage. i think we are going to have to winter it somewhere else, although we sure enjoy using it in the snow months.