Hello everyone. Hope you all are having a great summer. Our temperatures have been in the high 80's for sometime now. Which probably isn't anything compared to our southern and western States. But I'm in Ohio and I'll take this nice warm weather anytime. My question today is regarding how to build my new hive up to be sustained through the winter. Right now I have one hive box with a ten frames. The girls are running out of room. All ten frames are packed nd when I go to take a look there is more comb stuck in places it shouldn't be. If I give them another super will the bees be able to pull the waxed frames before the cold weather begins? The girls will need to stock pile plenty of food for the winter. I just didn't want to expand the franchise (so to speak) too soon.
For those of you who have several hives and you know what you're doing.....please be patient with the dummies. ...we all have to start somewhere. I so appreciate you sharing your knowledge and experience.
Thank you