"A question has come up about how to handle honey frames.
1. Do honey frames need to be put into the freezer if you can't find time to extract them for a while?
2. What do you do with honey frames that have already been extracted? Should they be frozen before being stored for next years use?
3. What does it mean to to put a 'wet' frame back into the hive?"
this is what i do jen........
1. i don't freeze frames, i extract honey once in late summer, all the supers come off and every frame is extracted and those with moisture content that is not acceptable go back as feed to the bees. (fed back in a super above the inner cover, or laid across the top of the inner cover).
2. my honey frames are spun out, go back in the box and are stored. i do not feed these wet frames back to the bees, too much chance of setting off robbing........i give them back to the bees in the spring. and yes, had too many times of bees robbing the beejeebers out of one another when wet supers were placed back on the hives. i do not freeze them.
3. wet frame? frames of honey you have extracted. frames, even though spun out will still contain some residue of honey in the cells. many beeks will give these frames/supers back to the bees after extraction to have the bees clean up. as i said, i don't........only because i have experience too many robbing issues from doing so. there are different methods, some place back on the hive, some stack nearby, and some stack from a distance........
i have done all of these methods, and don't care for the result........