My best friend Kevin drove up today to help me get the final touches done on the trailer before I get the inspector in to hopefully sign off on it all.
The blocking and anchoring were done a few weeks ago.
The landscaping is all done, the road to the clearing behind the big willow is done, and the septic and water lines are in and connected. I have power connected and the new well pump and everything is also hooked up.
I am going to build 2 of these deck/staircase landings, one at each door and then eventually join the 2 with a full length deck. I had the area where the stairs and decks are going leveled and graveled. Top of the decks are 36" and the truck is 29". Some creative gravel placement and the tailgate should be level with the deck. A removable handrail will allow dolly work to be done off the truck.
Before anyone gives me a hard time about the steps being crooked (like on the trap-out thread
), they are just leaning against the deck, they haven't been fastened yet.
I am hoping to get into the trailer and reasonably set up before the main harvest starts.