This was a beekeeping first for me. I hope someone can tell me what I did wrong, if it was my fault. I have never had a failure when introducing a new queen, until now.
I introduced 2 queens in cages with attendants, Wednesday evening. I had just picked up 2 queens Wednesday after work. The weather forecast called for cool, cloudy, and off and on rain for the next week. It was still daylight, not raining, and so I thought I would introduce the queens then and reduce stress on them. First hive, no problems. Second colony was going all right until it started to rain. I kept the queen cage dry until I could put her in. It was about 55 degrees. I took 9 stings from this colony. Today, Sunday, I returned to release the queens. First hive, no problems. In the second colony first appearances seemed good, but the queen was dead in the cage and the attendants were alive. I released the attendants and they were accepted with no problems. A quick look at frames revealed nothing but scattered drone brood.
I am wondering if they let her die because of a laying worker, or there is a bad queen in there, or she died for reasons beyond my control, like hurt in transit? I would have thought, at the very least, they would have taken care of her even if there were other factors involved. What do the experts say?