I know that this topic has been posted before, but I have a question regarding different reactions to stings.
1. Are sting reactions worse at different times of the year?
2. Are sting reactions different based upon your well being? (Hydrated, for example)
3. Are sting reactions different based upon the location of the sting?
4. The more stings one takes in the beekeeping year, the less the reaction? True or false
5. Or is it all chance.
My beautiful, red headed, fair skinned step-daughter was helping me harvest honey yesterday. She has 1 colony of her own, but has only been stung a hand full of times. She put her arm down on a stray bee and got 1 sting. She put some Bakers Venom cleanser on it right away, but swelling and redness soon started. Next her face turned beet red and her eyes, hair, underarms and so forth started itching like crazy. I gave her a generic Benadryl. She rested for a bit, but called it day so she could take a cold shower. Her boyfriend left work so that he could monitor her and she got better after the benadryl and cold shower. We suggested drinking plenty of water to flush her system out. I think she might have been dehydrated a little. She was drinking coffee, but not water. She had just told us that she was in a fast food restaurant last week, with family, and fainted. The paramedics said she was fine, but dehydrated. So does anyone have any thoughts?
Hopefully, riverbee will chime in with some "been there, done that" knowledge.