"I'm going into my first Autumn with my first hive in Nova Scotia. I've removed my honey super (no harvest this year). Hive inspection of 2 deeps = 8 frames capped brood, 9 frames honey/pollen combo, and 3 open frames. The last alcohol wash yielded 1 varroa mite. I added 2:1 sugar syrup feed.
My questions:
1. How often should I do the alcohol wash for mites?
2. Do I add Nosema treatment to the syrup? and when would I do that?
3. Should I start AFB preventative treatment and when?
Can all these treatments be done at the same time or is that too stressful to the bees?"
kathi, welcome to keeping bees! and getting your bees to the first autumn, and overwintering!
to answer your questions:
#1. if your mite count is low, i wouldn't be concerned about one mite, as perry said, and also, like riverrat said, 1st year packages typically show a low mite count, it's next season the mites ramp up and we need to keep vigilant about the mite counts.
#2. i am not one to add nosema treatment (fumagillin b) to syrup anymore. if you choose to do so, now is the time to add it to the syrup.
#3. there is no need to add any treatment for AFB.
focus on having enough stores in your hive to overwinter your bees to spring. sounds like you are doing this! good luck and best wishes to you!