My hive was robbed out about a week ago, total loss. Yesterday I was able to finally get out there and check on things, and found the queen!
I plan on writing up another post on it when I have some time, but for right now, I was wondering if it's possible for the queen to survive outside of a hive?
Note I didn't say practical, nor easy, nor common.... But possible.
All of the frames had wax moths, can't really save any (ok, maybe 1 or 2 on the super that were only partly covered in wax, I suppose I could try to make a Nuc...) What I was actually thinking, was putting her back in the box my package came in, w/ whatever bee's I could find out there, feeding them honey (from the hive) and pollen (from another beek), and keeping them indoors in that over the winter? I only saw a few bee's from the hive left (literally, 4-8, maybe), a couple drones, and the queen. None of the bee's were tending to her, I felt so bad. I drizzled some honey around the equipment which was eaten when stumbled upon... but is there any hope at all, despite how long of a shot? I realize she won't survive in a conventional hive-structure at this point, but I was wondering (hoping, dreaming?) that maybe in an enclosed space, carefully fed, temperature controlled, there might be a long-shot of nursing her back to health?
Thanks for the info.
- Kevin