Hey folks. PappyRick here. I wanted to update you on my first year progress and get your opinions about what I saw today on hive inspections.
My two hives are still perking along. The configuration is 2 Deeps. We harvested about 57 pounds of honey this year, which I was really surprised about because I really did not expect to see honey until next year. I have had ups and downs (mostly from my own thoughts, or actions), but the bees have proven to be quite resilient. This has been a LOT of fun.
I'm in southern Illinois. Temps lately have been upper 50s to mid 70s, but the swings are pretty inconsistent. Anyway, we went out today to inspect. This was the end of our second application of ApiGuard, so the plan was to remove the ApiGuard, feed them 2:1 for winter stores, and find the Queen in each hive. The mite counts were somewhere around 4 - 5 per hundred using a sugar roll test. I had noticed that the bees activity was significantly reduced after the first two weeks of ApiGuard on the last inspection (2 weeks ago). Today, on each hive, the top deep was mostly full of honey, but not all capped. The bottom deep on each hive was mostly built out comb, but no eggs and no brood, with a small amount of capped honey on the edges. There seemed to me to be a fair amount of pollen - particularly in the bottom deep. I spotted the Queen in one of the hives, but not the other. Bee populations in both hives are decidedly lower than they were a month ago.
So I'm sure my questions are typical first year beekeeper-esque. I am concerned about no eggs - should I be at this time of year for my location? When does a queen stop laying eggs in preparation for winter? Would the bees in the hive now be winter bees? I would think so since there are no eggs and no brood, but it still seems early to me (Of course, I don't know since this is my first year). We are feeding 2:1 more as an insurance to try and make sure the bees have enough stores, but the top deeps are fairly full of honey/nectar. Do the bees necessarily cap their winter stores? My plan is to go back out next week and bring more 2:1 for another feeding. Temps are expected to be down to 38 F in the next couple of days.
Thanks in advance for your learned opinions. PappyRick