Hi Ted, I just brought home 5 queens for splits, there were not very many attendance for 5 queens. The weather man lied and now there is three days of nasty windy rain. A well seasoned beek told me to remove the lid from a strong hive, put on a spacer, put the caged queens on top of the frames, netting up or cage can be on it's side, put the lid back on. I did. I was nervous. A couple hours later, I lifted the lid and to my delight the cages were covered with very busy happy nurse bees.
If I were in your shoes, and your queen is alive when she arrives, I would do that first, just set her cage right on top of the frames letting lots of nurse bees cover her up while in her cage, they would calm her down, more access for the bees to feeding her quickly. Then, after a couple of days insert her wooden cage between the frames as usual.
And PS... I would not let her out in 2 days, minimun 3 days. Last year I was having too many incidences of the queens being balled immediately upon release after 3 days. Now, I do 4-5 days with 100% luck.
Good luck and wishing for your queen to make it home alive and well ~