Most of my family has been sick over the weekend, including myself, and lost in the shuffle was the fact that I have a pollen trap on one of my hives, which went unemptied for four days. As a result there was a ton of pollen in the drawer, some of it still nice, but some of it moldy and caked on the bottom of the tray. There was one hive beetle and a few waxworms hiding in the corner of the drawer. I froze the loose pollen I could dump out, mostly just to kill the pests, and then scrubbed out the drawer of the really gross stuff. My question is, is there anything I can do to salvage that pollen that isn't moldy? The good stuff and the bad stuff are obviously all mixed together. It's probably a lost cause, but I just thought I'd ask before I throw it all out. The amount of waste just makes me want to cry.