I split one of my hives on April 18 during a State Inspection of my hives. I brought it home to southwest Illinois and ended up moving that split to west Tennessee on May 3. That was an interesting task for me. First time I moved a hive a long distance. This is an experiment to see how much the bees need me versus how much I think the bees need me. I did another split yesterday. During my inspection, I found several Q cells in one of the hives. I ended up pulling 3 frames, one with about 4 QCs and placing them in a Nuc box, and took them home, which is about 19 miles from my apiary. I plan on moving that hive back to the yard when it gets going.
Last year I am pretty sure I had all 6 of my hives swarm. I was not very diligent about inspections and reaction to what was happening in the hive. I made two unsuccessful, but rather comical, attempts to collect swarms that were happening when I arrived at the apiary. It is disheartening to see them leave. All of my hives ex. 1 survived the winter and are all doing great this year. So, with the 2 splits I'm now at 7 hives.