Woody, Glad you started this thread. Now I don't feel like the only beekeeper that can't see eggs! I had a unique experience this spring. It's been so cool here, that the queens are very slow to start laying. I checked my 4 hives and found brood in one. The other three, although packed with bees, appeared to be queenless. I couldn't find queens, eggs, larvae or capped brood. I ordered 4 queens. Three queens for the presumed queenless hives and the 4th for requeening the last hive simply because those are the meanest bees I have ever encountered. (little stinkers) My supplier lost a bunch of the queens in transit so I only got 2. That turned into being a stroke of luck. When I went out to check the hives before introducing the queens I still couldn't see eggs, but found lots of larvae. One hive had about 7 frames of brood, so I did a split and used one of those queens. The other had 3-4 frames of brood and the last truly was queenless. So, all's well that ends well, but I don't think I can see eggs even with the sun over my shoulder.