I just reversed a couple days ago. We had a 74 degree day, so I took advantage of it to run through my hives.
The queen and bees WERE in the top box, there was no honey dome over them, but there was quite a bit of honey on the ends of the frames they missed as they chimneyed in the drastic cold temps.
So every hive got pulled apart, the bottom boards cleaned, and the top boxes put on the bottom boards. I put two to three new foundation-less frames in the bottom boxes. Frames with honey got re organized in the new top box with four or five new frames installed. The middle box got two or three new frames as well, the old frames were set aside rather than cut out because I have a LOT of expanding to do in a couple of weeks.
The brood pattern is growing rapidly, but I have opened up the brood chamber and made sure there was plenty of room to expand and grow. They have resources above them on the ends of a lot of frames. If we have a week of bad weather they have what they need to keep going.
If I had pulled a cover and found the bees below the top box with honey above them I would NOT have reversed. As it is, they were all the way at the top, so now they have a whole new playground.
You have to look at your situation, and decide on a hive to hive basis if reversing is needed or not.