So, the swarm we put in the new hive yesterday all left the hive and looked like they were swarming. The queen was still in the catcher, but the bees all left. I thought maybe she needed to get mated, so I released her (probably not the brightest idea, but didn't really know what to do - lack of patience for the loss
They moved out, of course, but now the hives on the stand are acting really weird. I am at a loss.
By the way - I already have my cold beverage.
In the pictures below, we moved the Grey-blue hive across the yard this morning and stuffed the entrance with leaves. The yellow and white hive is the first split I did this year, where I saw the queen and moved her into this box with a couple of extra frames. They've been there about a month or more and seemed to be doing fine.
The bees are fanning on the stand in front of it. I don't know what's happening!
At this point, I'm pretty much thinking we have lost the swarm and i'm just going to hang out and see what the others do. I thought it was going to be a good bee day but it is now partly cloudy and windy. Don't think it will be a good idea to rile them up any more.
a disappointed ziffa. :'(