I’ve heard from several different people that when moving a hive, it’s ideal to move it at least a couple miles away. I’ve moved hives across the yard a couple different times and when doing so, cut a pine branch and placed it at the entrance which caused them to reorient to the new location of the hive. The recent swarm I had to the bait hive on top of my hydronic garden needed to be moved before a get together we’re going to have over here in a couple weeks. I moved this hive last Tuesday night and did the pine branch thing like I’d always done before. Well …….by noon on Wednesday there were several thousand bees back at the old location.
I setup another hive with a couple drawn out frames and they poured right into it. Once the sun went down, I moved them back down to the new spot, opened the top and smoke the heck out of them to encourage them to move back into the original box. They had a march on into the original box so I left them for the night. In the morning, they had marched right back out and covered the drawn out frames I had in that box. I threw in a couple more drawn out frames and just added that box to the stack and closed up the hive entrance completely for 24 hours. Friday morning, opened it back up and again placed the pine branch over the entrance. By lunch time, not as many but still a couple thousand bees at the old location.
Ugh ……..come on girls! I had just transferred another swarm from a nuc into a ten frame hive so I set up the empty nuc for these lost bees. Again, they poured right into it. After sun down, I grabbed the nuc and walked em’ back to the mother hive. Today we’re down to a couple hundred. I’m guessing, a few more days of this and they’ll be good.
I think next time, I will move them a few miles away for a couple weeks and then move them back over to the bee yard.