So I have some time now let me explain why no bees. I decided to get in to bee keeping about 2 years ago, read every thing I could and then decided to buy a hive and a package of bees. Made a place on the back of the property, fenced it in as it is in the field where the horse are. Build the hive, painted it, build the frames and waited to for the package. Package arrived, only a few dead bees on the bottom of the package. Installed package that night. Walked down and check to see if the bees were coming and going for the next 4 days. Day 4 opened the hive to see if the queen was released, she was out and I found her very fast on the second frame that I pulled out. looking back she was kind of all alone but a live and well. Closed up the hive and waited a week. Opened it up a week later, the frames are getting comb the bees are busy, I didn't fine the queen and I didn't see any eggs, I looked hard but couldn't fine her, but only a week so closed it up. A week later I inspected the hive again, more comb, nectar and pollen being stored, but no queen and no eggs, I get worried, I check again in 3 days and still nothing, I order a new queen. The new queen took 2 and a half weeks to get here. I open the hive and fine many eggs in one cell. I now have a laying worker. Take the whole hive 100 yards away from the spot were it sits and dump all the bee on the ground.( there are now no bee in the hive) Take the hive back to the spot were it sits, some bee are waiting on me. I install the new queen and wait. check in five days to see if she is out and she is but again I can't find her. Drone cells now every. less and less bee each week and no queen or eggs. Two months later the bees are gone. I start again in the spring.