I usually keep things light-hearted here, but I do have sad news for us here in Nova Scotia.
When I was hired on as a part-time inspector this past summer I worked with the Provincial Bee Health Adviser, Joanne Moran. Joanne's immediate supervisor was a gentleman named Alexander Shalin, who essentially was responsible for
all aspects related to the keeping of bees (health, imporatation, exporting, regulations, etc.) in the province. I met Alexander on two occasions and came away both times with a tremendous admiration for the work he did, his dedication to that work, and the gentle demeanor with which he was blessed. He was so engaging and kind that he stood out.
We have been inundated with terrible weather here the last few days, resulting in a terrible highway accident a half hour from here. It is with regret that Alexander was lost to us as a result.
I don't ask often or at all for that matter, however if those that do could keep his family in their thoughts at this time it would be appreciated.
He was a Gentle man in every sense of the word.