What an emotional rollercoaster this spring has been! In March I thought the hive in question was queenless. I realized later that I couldn't see the eggs any more, but that's a different topic. On April 7, I opened the hive to requeen only to see about 3 frames of larvae and capped brood. OK, I think. Today I was able to do another inspection only to find a laying worker. All brood was drones. There were still plenty of workers and nurse bees present. The hive next to it had several open queen cups and two capped supercedure cells on two different frames. That queen is 3 years old, so no surprise there. There was plenty of bees, capped brood and some larvae in the second hive as well as the supercedure cells. I took the original hive, with the laying worker, did a shake out and traded a frame from the laying worker hive with a frame containing a capped supercedure cell from the second hive. It seemed like the logical thing to do and I don't have anything to lose with the laying worker hive. I guess I want confirmation that it was making the best of a bad situation.