Cornell University, Tom Seeley.
two excellent videos on swarming and swarm biology.
this first one excellent short video on swarm biology: Honeybee Decision Making with regards to swarming.
"When a honeybee colony becomes overcrowded, a swarm of thousands departs with the old queen to form a new colony. Cornell professor, biologist and beekeeper Thomas Seeley explains how honeybees use swarm intelligence to make the critical decision of which new nest site to pick. Seeley's book, "Honeybee Democracy" was published in 2010 by Princeton University Press."
this second video, Honeybee Democracy by Tom Seeley. excellent video lecture on seeley's book honey bee democracy, all about swarming and collective decisions bees make to choose and travel to a new home. take the time to view this, i have not read seeley's book, but this was very enjoyable and informative on swarm biology.
"Tom Seeley, author of "Honeybee Democracy," and professor of neurobiology and behavior, reviews the history of behavioral studies of foraging honeybees and explains the process by which swarming honeybees choose a new home in his November 17, 2011 lecture to Cornell Association of Professors Emeriti (CAPE)."