a 50' roll of flashing is... 60 bucks?? been a while since I bought it... but 50 ' will make you something like 26 or 27 covers.. thats less than 3 dollars each.. HOWEVER, you need to be MAKING that many to make it worthwhile.. buying a 50 foot roll to make 6 covers isnt cost effective...
I have used the alumanized flashing and the galvy.. Alumanized IS easier as Crofter said... some of my hives have it, the later ones dont.. I have been putting three coats of good paint on the wood.. the tele cover doesnt often get pried on, so it doesnt take the abuse the box corners do, and they seem to hold up decently with just the paint.. you can see some hives have it, some dont.. it depends on if I can scrounge it from local roofing jobs or not...
A sheet of 1/2 plywood ( i use half inch ply for everything (so I dont have to buy three different sizes) it runs around 22 dollars a sheet, and will make 8 covers. thats 2.75 per cover.. the boards for the sides I usually scrounge scrap 1x.. but lets say you buy 1 x 8 x 12's at 9 dollars each... theres a lot of extra wood in that, even making 8 covers, but for the sake of argument we will pretend it ONLY makes the covers... your still only looking at $3.88 for the cover, plus paint.. They are very easy to make, and replace if they begin to rot or warp..
Making the bottom boards, boxes, inner covers, and tele covers.. even the FRAMES myself I can take the casual stance toward them all.. They are expendable... (OK, I make the frames pretty rugged, ignore the frames part.) I DO paint them well, and try to make them to last, but I also try to build them quickly and cheaply, without compromising functionality.
Three to four years they get repainted.. three to four more they will get repainted or replaced as necessary when the time comes..
I have NO ARGUMENT with anyone making fancy joints or corners etc... if you have the time to do that.. I think its fantastic.. but being Lazy I prefer to spend my time running bank lines!!! unless its winter, then I spend the time sitting and staring out the window at my hives.... with a rum and coke.... wondering if I should just... peek???