Author Topic: Beeswax Production  (Read 14974 times)

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Offline riverbee

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Beeswax Production
« on: February 22, 2014, 07:31:02 pm »
a great pdf file on beeswax production, properties, composition and control:

Bees need wax as construction material for their combs. They produce it in their wax glands, which are fully
developed in 12 to 18 days old workers. In older bees the wax glands diminish their activity. However in emergency situations wax-synthesis can be reactivated. Greatest quantities of wax are produced during the growth phase of bee colonies, under moderate climate conditions during April to June. A bibliography on the synthesis of beeswax is given in the monograph of Hepburn.
The main raw materials for wax formation are carbohydrates, i.e. the honey sugars fructose, glucose and sucrose . The ratio of sugar to wax can vary from 3 to 30:1, a ratio of around 20:1 being typical for central Europe . The stronger the colony, the smaller the ratio, the more economical the wax production for the colony. One Langstroth frame, containing only 100 g of wax can hold 2-4 kg of honey.

Wax production and comb construction activity in the bee colony are determined by following factors:

•  Nectar flow: the greater the flow, the more combs are needed for storage.
•  Brood rearing (egg laying): the more eggs are layed, the more comb cells are needed.
•  The presence of a queen: only colonies with a queen build combs.
•  Temperature: temperatures higher than 15° C favour comb building activity
•  The presence of pollen as a protein source"

pdf file here:
Beeswax: Production, Properties Composition and Control
i keep wild things in a box..........™
if you obey the rules, you miss all the fun.....katherine hepburn
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Re: Beeswax Production
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2014, 07:39:07 pm »
I would have to disagree with "only hives with queens build comb".

Good read though!
Bees are bees and do as they please!

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Re: Beeswax Production
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2014, 08:23:40 pm »
Thanks for posting this link RverBee there is a lot of information in there.
Honey Judge, Beekeeping Display Coordinator, Armstrong Fair and Rodeo.