He is correct on many fronts. Once you are old and everything is paid off, there is more money in the till. A young friend of mine tell me "you old people have all the money," and I reply yes, and we have the arthritis and other slow-me-down issues that come with old age."
I have my calves contracted to a special company that sells only grass fed beef. I keep a freezer stocked with beef for my family, including two grown sons and their families. Commercial cattle are fed so many steroids and antibiotics that some medical experts think that is the reason that many of our old, known antibiotics are losing their healing abilities. I don't know that to be true.
The ground hog sounds like good table fare. My wife is like Jack, in that after she learned a squirrel was a rodent she quit eating them. I have an old pal in East Texas that kills me about 10 or 12 squirrels each year and freezes them in packages of two. Occasionally, when I have the time, I fry them up and have cream gravy for breakfast. It makes a very good breakfast for this old country boy.
I'm like Jack, when I say my evening prayers, I am always amazed at how much our merciful God has blessed such a sinner as me, and thank him for it. I truly have gotten more I deserve out of life.