you know what dave, you have a good idea. perhaps we could create a specific category for this, but it would have to have member motivated involvement and input, like you, or links to bee clubs in various areas to their calendars or various blogs. i know up here, there is a beekeeper that blogs about what should be done and when, "
what should i be doing now", and many in minnesota and wisconsin look to his advice, and it is typically good advice with details, what's blooming, pictures, divides all sorts of great stuff. i personally don't have the time to post a thread specifically to what's going on in my area, but can share info through links. you start your thread dave, we will get it where it needs to go, and may encourage others to participate in sharing links or info to their specific states. doesn't necessarily have to be a long going thread but some info for folks specific to them and their state.....
pete says ~
'beyond the scope of this forum'. This is why local mentors are such an important resource. A smart bee keeper keeps in touch with the local old timers and asks them a lot of questions."
nothing is beyond the scope with negative thinking. some folks don't have the luxury of local mentors or old timers, smart beekeeper or not. and anything we can do to help beekeepers on this forum will go a long way to helping others learn, put them in touch with someone near them, gain some knowledge and be successful.
i know iddee is probably rolling his eyes at me, but he will forgive me and have some sage advice on this....