capn, that works, and if you let it set a bit, no problems with crystalization or burning.
i don't use the stove either for sugar syrup, i would probably crystallize or burn the beejeebers out of it. usually too many hives and too much messing around for me. i use one gallon pails. for 2:1 syrup, i put a big kettle on the stove and bring water to a boil, then turn it down. i line the pails up, and fill them half full of sugar. i run hot tap water to the half filled buckets just above the sugar and stir it. i add a little more sugar, and the rest of the sugar and more hot tap water til about 3/4 full then i add 2 or 3 cups of hot water from the stove. stir it, set aside. all crystals are melted. i work from pail to pail so by the time i get back to the first pail, all sugar crystals are gone, one last stir, and the lid goes on. good to go and ready to feed.....oh and some HBH added to it.