Author Topic: Perry's Bees......Newspapers.........and Balling queens  (Read 12154 times)

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Re: Perry's Bees......Newspapers.........and Balling queens
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2014, 12:16:45 pm »
ok run this by again, what happens to the virgin?  this can't be a fall requeen procedure, or she wouldn't get mated
Gypsi, my OP was talking about combining bees and the queen getting attacked.  My requeening comment above was Off-Topic, and the procedure Laurie describes wouldn't work late in the season; but the virgin would be expected to kill existing queen cells, mate and lay eggs.  :)

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Re: Perry's Bees......Newspapers.........and Balling queens
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2014, 02:59:08 pm »
If the hive has been queenless for a while and the bees are old they are of little value to the hive they are being added to when we get to this time of year. Their is always a risk of the queen being rejected or damaged then combining or even going into a hive for an inspection for that mater. But if the added bees are not going to be a long term benefit to the hive why take the chance. I am in a a mild region of Canada and the time for combining is coming to a close quickly, for a hive that is queenless with no brood or young bees is not worth anything. They will eat food stores and are going to die before they are needed for spring build up. Shake the bees out and save the frames of honey to feed the light colonies.
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Re: Perry's Bees......Newspapers.........and Balling queens
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2014, 05:23:34 pm »
I second the shake out. The bees will go into a hive in a humble fashion and there will be no fighting.
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Re: Perry's Bees......Newspapers.........and Balling queens
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2014, 09:13:12 pm »
I second the shake out. The bees will go into a hive in a humble fashion and there will be no fighting.

   I combined multiple hives starting in August. The first three combines I lost all three queens. I have not had that much bad luck in many years..   All three combines were from pinching the queens and waiting three or four hours, then doing a newspaper combine with the newly queenless hive on top...
  Three more combines were done, but a bit more carefully..  queenless overnight to start. A few frames of brood and bees on top of a newspaper combine, with the rest of the bees shaken out in front of the hive..
   I in fact did this exact thing for the bees in my OB hive...   My wife was not all that impressed with 20 THOUSAND bees flying all about the front of hour house.. the other ten thousand were in the top part of the hive..  By nightfall the shaken out bees had gone into the hive. Some in the top entrance where their original hive mates were, and MANY in the lower entrance accepted by the current occupants when they begged sheepishly at the door as it began to get cold...
   I believe that their scent being accepted below helped the rest be accepted as they began to come through the paper.  Using the partial combine and shake out after a minimum of 12 hours has worked flawlessly (so far)  but give me and the bees some time. I am sure I can figure out a variation that wont work!
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Re: Perry's Bees......Newspapers.........and Balling queens
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2014, 09:48:20 pm »
I did worse than a shakeout on the foragers of the hive I broke up last weekend. I didn't even bother to try and move them. Left them a hive body with lid, sbb and a frame of comb, and let them put away their groceries there. They were the oldest bees in the hive and already responsible for the loss of one queen

Offline brooksbeefarm

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Re: Perry's Bees......Newspapers.........and Balling queens
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2014, 12:04:23 am »
Went back up to check on the combine i done with vanilla extract a week or so ago and they were going gang busters, i found the queen but no sign of brood? there could of been some eggs, but my eyes aren't  that sharp anymore so i'll have to check them again? There was alot of bees in the hive and the temp. was 76F with field bees working hard (probably on Aster and Beefsteak mint), i poured 2 gal. of 2 to 1 in the top feeder and left. Will check them again in a week or so. Jack

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Re: Perry's Bees......Newspapers.........and Balling queens
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2014, 12:10:30 am »
Went back up to check on the combine i done with vanilla extract a week or so ago and they were going gang busters, i found the queen but no sign of brood? there could of been some eggs, but my eyes aren't  that sharp anymore so i'll have to check them again? There was alot of bees in the hive and the temp. was 76F with field bees working hard (probably on Aster and Beefsteak mint), i poured 2 gal. of 2 to 1 in the top feeder and left. Will check them again in a week or so. Jack

  Sweet! If the queen survived, then it is likely she will do fine..   I'm betting you will find larvae next inspection.
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