In a real fire, you cant see diddly squat. Cant see an inch in front of your face with your light turned on.. the scott pack leaks, and smoke gets in, no matter how you try to insure it is well sealed. You find someone, and carry them out with your buddy, fighting the steps and the blindness, carrying someone who cannot help you. You get them out FINALLY, and find out they perished well before you got to them.. Pull a charged hose Up two flights of steps. Run across a shingled roof that is smoking. Watch your father run across a smoking roof, and watch him fall through with one leg, and roll out of the hole with one leg on fire.. Open a door and FEEL the wind go whistling past you INTO the room.. it gives you JUST enough time to say.. OH S#!t..... Run the cannon mounted on that platform a while in the winter, and take a step back... I am here to tell you, there is NO FEELING more terrifying than feeling your feet slip when your that high in the sky... We didnt have safety harnesses btw... you slide off the back and theres nothing to stop you.
I cant imagine running a hose from the platform. Thats another level of courage all by itself.
When i was younger, the blood etc did not bother me a lot. Today, If I had to deal with that much blood someone would have to carry me away. I think getting out of it when i did saved me from being humiliated when i passed out on the job....