I can certainly understand you wanting something with your BRAND on it. I think we all want that. When I did chores and tasks for my dad, he nearly always ask me, "did you do it well?" Once in a while, he would ask, "did you do the best job that you could?" Now, that is a tough question, but he wanted me to know that if you gave it your best shot you could turn it loose. I know that as a retired person you want your remaining chores to be done well, and more importantly, you want them to be perceived as being well done. As the saying goes, "perception becomes reality."
I would venture a wager that you could sell your honey products via telephone calls. Your honey looks so cool, especially the cut comb honey, that you can sell it to your regular customers, and I bet people will drive out of their way to purchase honey. I have a waiting list for my grass fed calves. I bet your list is long too.