Was walking the pup a day ago when we took a different path not normally taken. It was thru some thorn apple trees and hanging in one was a bald faced hornets nest.
That got me to remember many a year ago I had mowed a hay field, then I raked it into wind rows for the loader. I was put to work driving the tractor and dad was on the hay rack moving the hay forward as it came off the loader. Dad had a habit of using the hay fork handle on the side of my head if I didn't take the corner just right and some hay was missed by the loader.
I knew the bald face hornets had a nest in the wind row ahead as I had stirred them up when I mowed and a gain when I rakes the hay. As the area came closer I was all astir as to what I should do. Miss the nest of hornets and get a hay fork up side the head or just teach dad that some times a missed bit of hay was the way to go.
I put that nest up on the load of hay with dad, he came sliding down the side and fell. I stopped the tractor and ran to him. By the time I got there his eyes were swollen nearly shut. I got him to the house for mom to care for him then went back and unhooked the loader and brought the wagon with the hay to the barn. Went in and got a bucket of scalding hot water from moms range got up on that load of hay and scalded those hornets to death.
Even to the day dad died I never told him I put those hornets on the wagon with him. He knows now but will have to wait for a while before he can use that fork handle on me.
The loader was for loose hay and a New Idea brand. Mom's range was a wood burning cook stove that pastel green color I can't remember the brand.