Lazy, the strength and personality of any Club is aggregated from its membership...
People like you are the ones who make any organization a success!
zweefer, inevitably, we all have made mistakes with our bees, and sharing that experience in time to be useful to our club's membership is our guiding beacon. As Bakersdozen mentioned, talking about and demonstrating 'how to' plan for and meet the next seasonal phase of the bees is a good template for an annual program.
There will always be someone at the meeting who doesn't know about the basic things like equipment, bee strains, feeding, mite counts, IPM, treatments, city/state ordinances and laws, etc., etc., try to give them enough to return next month.
A good guest speaker is the most popular program for us. A Honey Queen talk will be a boon to your Club.
Equally important are field days, where you go look at beehives and talk about what is going on inside at that time -demonstrating proper ways to enter and inspect a beehive, then describing what you see and what you look for. An extracting party is fun too, when four or five people bring their supers and everyone helps the other get it done. HTH