Okay, so last year was my first winter -- only we didn't really have any winter. It was so warm, the bees ate up pretty much all of their stores by the end of March. I checked them in February, and they were exploding with bees. I was chasing bees by March 31.
This year we are actually having some winter weather. It has been cold most days and the bees haven't been as active. Today was warm and sunny, so I took the opportunity to pop some tops and take a quick peak at some hives. Most of them are still packed with honey. There were enough bees that I'd call the hives healthy, but they weren't exploding with bees like they were this time last year.
How much honey is too much, and at what point in the year should I start pulling frames of honey and replace with empty comb or foundation? If I can help it, I don't want to be chasing bees again this year -- especially due to honey-bound hives.