I fell out of a tree about 10 years ago and managed to sprain my foot pretty bad. No breaks thankfully but my family doctor put me on crutches to walk. So I go to work with the crutches, and the guard stops me at the gate and says NO CRUTCHES ARE ALLOWED at work!
I said what the …heck? He said you can hobble into work, but you can’t take crutches. Unfortunately it was a long hobble from the gate to the office so I complained (naturally
) to my manager and he sent me to the company doctor to get checked out. So the company doctor (a real old timer) takes a look at me and says you’re a healthy young man, you don’t need any sticking crutches! If you don’t put some weight on that foot, your muscles will start to degenerate and you’ll end up with an even weaker foot.
Since the company doctor wouldn’t bend the rules for me, I had no choice but to hobble into work without crutches. The hobbling put some weight on the foot and low and behold I think the old guy was right.
The foot ended up healing a lot quicker than I expected.