Well our first warm day of the year, or at least warm enough the girls should be out on their cleansing flights. Well I believe our suspicion's are true and it appears we lost both our hives this year. As second year bee keeps we made it through last winter with flying colours but this year we failed. It's funny how you try to do everything right and think they will be OK but their not. Only time will tell, with two feet of snow still on the ground, it will be a little while before we can go in and take a good look, and hopefully see what happened. It has been a long cold winter with more snow than most people can remember, so hopefully their demise was only natural and we can stop blaming ourselves for something we did or didn't do. It's really funny how you become attached to your hives and want only the best for them........ Hopefully everyone here in the north has better luck than us this year, and we can find a couple of nucs and start again.