Sounds weird to me.
I see two possible options ahead for you:
1. Bear with her. Let the queen stay in the hive for a few more weeks, until time proves her to worthy or worthless. In the meantime your hive will most likely get considerably weaker and with it, the chances for a good yield from a strong hive. I would call this the "curiosity satisfying method".
2. Replace the queen as soon as you can, with a quality queen, either purchased or from one of your other hives, a queen worthy of bringing this hive back to growth and toward being a productive hive for this season. I would call this the "practical, realistic method".
I know the terrible feeling a beek has when it comes to eliminating a queen, especially one that has been at the helm of a really good family. But, sometimes one has to realize that, for whatever the reason may be, good queens don't last forever and sometimes they have to be dethroned before they swarm or die of old age, even if the beekeeper doesn't know just what is wrong with her.
I think it's obvious which option I favor.