LOL! Thanks Iddee, I've been reminding the wife that she's pretty lucky I still have it at this age! Though the fore-head's turning into a 6 or a 7-head lately... for the most part it's still there, and in it's original color. She's a lucky girl! I could be fat and bald! LOL!
I kid b/c I think my wife looks better than the day we got married, and tell her that all the time.
Is there really that big of a difference? I don't mean to question your opinion, as my handle implies, I'm the Newbie!
I relate back to my other hobby, which I feel very confident speaking about, and there are many ways to be successful, some I think are easier, but other folks have done just dandy (I _still_ reference the guy I knew that kept a gorgeous hard coral tank on tap-water, UNHEARD OF! EVERYONE uses RO/DI filtered water, EVERYONE!) I guess I just don't know enough or understand things well enough yet, so these back and forth conversations are useful to me, I appreciate you taking the time to educate me and share!
What do you think it is that makes the Lang-style hives more forgiving, the verticality? Are the bee's that much more comfortable, more natural to them? At this point when buying commercial Nuc's I suppose it's not quite appropriate to worry about 'natural' conditions, as they've been bred and managed for so long the natural tendencies are no longer very dominant (aka they're domesticated).
Thanks again for the back and forth, I appreciate you sharing the knowledge.
- K