""we are not fragile little flowers""
I disagree. They are like butter cups. Able to bloom even in the snow, but still hold their beauty and deserve admiring, enjoying, and taking care of.
So there. Like LS, I'm not changing my old, set ways. Women are still special, even if they are tougher than me.
My grandmother carefully schooled me on how to hold a chair for a lady, and slide it in for her. TO open a door for a lady, the one I am with or any other lady. When a lady enters a room I stand up, and if I was so rude as to wear a hat inside I immediately take it off. I could go on for a while. most of those lessens are ingrained deeply, because my gandmother passed away not long after, and I cherish the things she taught me.
Women are to be admired, coddled and respected. At least until you marry them. No, just kidding.
I did get a chuckle from the post Ef...
Gender in this day and age is a confusing thing. If it looks, talks, and walks like a female thats close enough for me, because thats as close as I will ever get. I would step out a little further to help a lady, not because of any hope of reward, but just because I was taught from a very young age to do exactly that.
We often post pictures, and may use their real names. The question of gender is already optional. ANyone who spends a decent amount of time among us will be known one way or anther, so I think the question is moot, but it was a good one to bring back some great memories.